My Favorite Books of 2016!

Sorry for being so inactive these past few months. I’ve been much more active on my youtube, and I just posted my favorite books of 2016! Watch the video below to see what some of my favorite reads this year were! Comment below with what some of your favorite reads were this year and I’llContinue reading “My Favorite Books of 2016!”

New York City Vlogs

Not too long ago, I spent spring break in New York City with my best friend Stephannie. If you’ve been keeping up with my youtube channel, you’d know that I uploaded two vlogs from the trip. It was honestly an amazing experience just spending a few days in one of my favorite places in theContinue reading “New York City Vlogs”

Ilvermorny Sorting Quiz

If you haven’t heard yet, JK Rowling released information about Ilvermorny, aka the American Hogwarts! The Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (sound familiar?) is located at the summit of Mount Greylock in Massachusetts. It was founded by an Irish woman names Isolt Sayre in the 1600s. Like Hogwarts, Ilvermorny also has four houses: Thunderbird,Continue reading “Ilvermorny Sorting Quiz”

June The Bookish Box Unboxing

This is a rather belated post, but I received the Bookish Box by Appraising Pages a while ago, and I just posted an unboxing on my youtube channel! The June theme was “Classics” so watch the video to see what I received in this box!